Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Where To Obtain Awesome Karaoke Tracks
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Author:  Capt Frank [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Where To Obtain Awesome Karaoke Tracks

For years I've noticed many great songs not available on Karaoke. I use icroons as my karaoke track search engine. Some of these songs include Don't Worry Baby by BJ Thomas, a big hit, and Think Twice by the great George Benton. Others like Way Down Here by Chesney, which would be an awesome karaoke song, very sing-able. There are great groups like The Lettermen not available, although one just came available on KV and I purchased. I've heard there are some companies out there that can make you the karaoke song for 100's or 1000's of dollars, wow, not trying to record internationally, would just use a band in that case. I have contacted several companies out there but they indicated would only make tracks if they had a sufficient response. Most people don't realize that is a possibility therefore don't go thru the effort to contact the company. If anyone has any ideas please respond.

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