Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Recovering Newbie?
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Author:  EZduzzit [ Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Recovering Newbie?

Hello everyone, My name is Jim, or "EZ".  I'm a Newbie, and a Sagittarius.

I've posted a couple of times since February of this year.  Although I haven't posted too much, I've spent at least a hundred hours looking at all the threads and posts here.  This Forum has been my main source of info for putting together a system.  Thank you all very much for taking time to put all this info on here.

I've been singing karaoke for years, and have been thinking about starting up a KJ service of my own.  I guess I've decided to give it a go.  I'm almost done putting my system together (would have been done sooner, but my $4000 starting budget didn't quite cut it).  I'm waiting for a Plextor Burner to be delivered tomorrow, and then I'm gonna start ripping my cdg's to my hard drive.  I've got business cards ordered, and my best friend of many years has promised to help me promote (he is a sales rep for a big liquor distributor in the area, lots of bar contacts).

I was compelled to post tonight because "Isis" donated 25 points to me for an "Avatar".  First, THANK YOU ISIS!!!  Second, what the heck is an avatar?

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